Should the FBI investigate allegations against Brett Kavanaugh?
Yes - too important!
No - let's end this!
The proponents of this are mostly partisan democrats. What about Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Anita Broderick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones?- Why aren't the Dems bringing up that history lesson?
Reply ReplyHe has already been vetted by the FBI multiple times in his career, and all the witnesses (or non-witnesses) to that nights possible activity, have refused to testify.
Reply ReplyThis is the scheme of the left with Soros stroking the flames with a whole lot of funds. It's bogus and all involved should be charged with a felony for trying to destroy a man that a perfect fit.
Reply ReplyI believe this is a Dem smear tactic and anyone involved should be prosecuted for false defamation.
Reply ReplyIt happened in high school!!! Get OVER it!! If the situation was really important to the accuser then why did she not come forward years ago?
Reply Reply
A lifetime court appointment should not be rushed. Character is important. He should *want* the investigation if he has nothing to hide.
ReplyHe's supposed to uphold the truth: apparently he thinks time and alcohol doesn't make him accountable. Liar. I understand we've all done things we normally would NOT have done sober; but....be a man.
ReplyLying about his role in DNC e-mail hack. Lying about his torture role under Bush2. Being a rapey creepo
ReplyTo think that a Supreme Court Justice can be determined by a single majority vote is stupidity... It should be 2/3 majority. So YES, investigate this man to the n-th degree.
ReplyIt's WRONG to ignore women on this even years later! And we all know why!
ReplyRape & sexual assault should never be ignored or swept under the rug. As a child I was molested raped & abused. I know exactly how hard it is to come forward about the crimes committed against me
ReplyRepublicans are trying to rush this without giving Ms Ford a chance lto prepare. She asked for an investigation. Mitch McConnell already declared the confirmation would happen soon. Rigged? Yes!
ReplyTrump is mental ill so is his choice