Should schools go back to virtual learning if we're in the extreme risk category?
Yes, they should!
No, students need to go to school!
What happened to the flu? Did they close schools? How about heart disease that kills millions in the United States? I think it should be the parent's decision.
Reply ReplyBeing in contact with COVID positive people does not mean a person will get COVID. Children need to go to school for their social health. If humans had cowered in fear since the beginning we would not be here.
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HECK no. The psychological and emotional damage to our children and grandchildren is HORRIBLE. OPEN THE SCHOOLS up 100%. IF a parent is concerned about THEIR child, go ahead and home school. The RISK of a child getting really sick is minute. Getting injured at play or by a car is MUCH greater.
Reply ReplyWe're still arguing with teachers' unions and locking down states over a "flu" that has a 99.8% recovery rate overall and almost 100% for kids under 18, while kids in other parts of the world are actually getting an education.
Reply ReplyMental health, screen fatigue, learning effectiveness and engagement, low transmission rates in schools…
Reply ReplyVirtual learning has been a disaster for kids. Several teachers I've talked to agree.
Reply Replythey need to be in school , lots are falling way behind and I don't trust the metrics or count for covid.
Reply ReplyKids are the least suseptible to the virus and need their education. Get them in school, keep them there, and give them the structure they need.
Reply ReplyKids need in school learning. We are setting there education up for complete failure if we go back to on line. Just ask a teacher or parent.
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Yes its time. we have been vaccinated!
ReplyThey are passing the virus around and sending it back home
ReplyBecause students that are testing positive are still attending school and putting other students and their families are risk.
ReplyIts common knowledge that children/teenagers are spreading this in schools! Until there is a vaccine for them it will keep happening.Germs don't know to stop at 6 feet! I'm sorry that's s not even real!
ReplyIt's been so stressful for my kids to be at school, worrying about all of the students around them and spread of covid. They prefer virtual learning. (Teenagers) They wanted to keep their same teachers, though, and didn't want the BLPO option.
ReplyIf they shut down restaurants, rodeos and any other outside event, schools should be shutdown too!
ReplyWe are at the highest level of cases, we are seeing increased cases in students, and the new variants are becoming dominant. The exponential growth is truly overwhelming. Lets keep our students and their extended family safe until they can be vaccinated.
ReplyAs a student, being in school is honestly pretty scary right now. There is literally a direct correlation between COVID-19 cases and the schools reopening. I don’t see how anybody in their right mind would want to risk the health of the entire community over a couple months of in person school.
ReplyProtecting the health of staff, children, and their families is critical. Prevention is key; immunocompromised and disabled staff, students, and family members are particularly vulnerable. It isn't about convenience, it is about accountability of our community protecting each other.