Should Bend restaurants continue to occupy parking spaces?
There is already a shortage of parking in the downtown area. Bend needs more parking, not less. Especially in the face of a major population explosion in our city
Reply ReplyThe City proposed & promised this was temporary, during covid. These spaces sit idle/empty for 8 months/year. Do the math: 1 spot, 2 hr limit, 9 hours/day. Invaluable! People come downtown to spend $. The City is making $ while taking away from the majority of our downtown business. Gross!
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We need the parking spaces available-- It was nice during the pandemic but let's move on to back to before!!
Reply ReplyI believe that there was a time for this, yet now with the talk of different parking features being implemented for downtown we the people need the spaces. There was a report that spaces in Portland have gone up in rent, has this happened in Bend? Quit giving away our streets to chase money.
Reply ReplyThere is not enough parking downtown as it is, then the city sells off more parking spaces. What are you thinking!
Reply ReplyIf a restaurant wants outside seating then they should look for a new location. Outdoor seating should have been temporary for the COVID 19 period only. We have unresolved parking issues downtown. Restaurants should want to be good neighbors to other businesses and open those spaces back up.
Reply ReplyBend traffic and parking are very difficult, especially when there are people sitting in the streets.
Reply ReplyI haven't been down town Bend in over 3 years now! They don't like trucks and there is never any parking! I'm a Bend Native and I feel like my money doesn't spend as good as the tourists around here.
Reply ReplyI haven't been down town Bend in over 3 years now. They don't like trucks and I can never find parking! I was born and raised here, I feel like I'm the minority.
Reply ReplyParking was already difficult, pretty pandemic. It also makes downtown look crowded and messy. We should go back to pre pandemic
Reply ReplyIt's time to free up Parking spaces in Downtown Bend. The Pandemic is over.
Reply ReplyThere are very limited, close to store parking spaces, & I intentionally avoid being a customer of restaurants in the spaces that choose to continue to take parking from the people.
Reply ReplyThe only one who benefits from this is the restaurants, because they can increase capacity. Meanwhile, other businesses lose our because the limited parking they have are taken up by people willing to dine downtown, but are too cheap to pay to use the nearby parking garage.
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It's more welcoming to the businesses as well as the businesses surrounding the restaurant/bar/eaterie. I don't understand why a neighboring store would not approve. It just brings more eyes on the surrounding businesses rather than detract from them.