How soon do you expect the COVID-19 pandemic to improve?
By the end of the year.
It's a virus. It will be here, like the flu, for a long, long time. We must learn to live with it and above all, not to live in fear
Reply ReplyTrue! Natural immunity is really the only option for this to all die down in my opinion.
Never, because the government will never give up their lust for control. It has nothing to do with the virus.
Reply ReplyIts a virus juat like the flu.. Will always mutate into something more.
Reply ReplyBecause the.people in charge are self serving and it's about control and not our personal lives. I would take the vaccine but the push for it makes me not want.to
Reply ReplyThere isn't any way to predict that!! Get your shots & wear a mask---it'll help!!
Reply ReplyWhen the political Republican leadership regains the office on the hill, that's when.
Reply ReplyIt’s already improved. People just need to open their eyes and see that and stop being scared little sheep.
Reply ReplyThe public needs to wake up and stop complying with theses mandates(not laws) or this will never end!
Reply ReplyIts like the flu its a virus... May i add with a 99.7% cure rate.. There should be no mandate.. The vaccine doesnt even do its job you can still get and give the virus so what exactly does it do?
Reply ReplyUntil the majority of people go along with the requirements to curb the infection, it will keep going. And the ones who do not help, are the ones crying the loudest.
Reply ReplyNOW!!! Everyone just get the vaccine so we can get past all this nonsense!!!! Because I will NOT wear the stupid masks!!!!
Reply ReplyCOVID-19 is no longer a novel virus, which is most important to recognize. We understand the virus, we have vaccines, treatments, and most of us have some degree of immunity (t-cell response, if not antibodies). We are now in the 'must start living with it' phase. So, let it go, and let us live.
Reply ReplyThis will never end. As long as there I a pandemic, there will be emergency orders. Without emergency orders there can be no jab because it's experimental.
Reply Reply
We need to learn to live with it and not live in fear, the vaccine can cause covid also and alot of other problems
Reply ReplyIt will continue to make people sick and die because so many people refuse to get vaccinated and or ware a mask ley do not care about anyone but themselves.
Reply ReplyActually, many of us care far more about others than the ones that want to force kids to mask. There will very likely be far more ADDED youth suicide deaths than ALL COVID youth deaths because school is made miserable, no smiles, drop-outs, drugs, etc. Care about others? Let kids live w/o masks.
It may be wishful thinking but I believe that before the end of the year we should be putting this behind us. It all depends on if all the the selfish, misguided and unvaccinated people see the light and get their shots.