How do you feel about the new wilderness permit system?
It's a needed step!
It's too restrictive
Go after the folks who trash the wilderness but don't limit the numbers of those who respect the land and follow the rules!
Go after the folks who trash the wilderness but don't limit the numbers of those who respect the land and follow the rules!
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Dave Voiles
Just another sign that Bend, (CO) is changing for the worst. Bend spent years trying to get people to move here, well...they got their wish.
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Testing fix to comment log-in issue -Barney
ReplyIt is the same old thing, a few spoil it for the many. As we allow more people to move into our area the more trash and crime come along with them. There is less respect for everything lately.
ReplySomething needs to be done to re-distribute the volume to specific trailheads. I would rather have seen the FS actively encourage users to head to other sites, though.