Have your views on masks changed in the recent months?
Yes they've had!
No, my views haven't changed!
I have never been an agreement with the mask mandate. I think people should be able to choose for themselves if they want to wear a mask or not
Reply ReplyI have never believed in mask mandates, so my views have not changed. Wear one if you want, and leave everyone else alone. Wear one around those at high-risk, otherwise they are pointless. How anyone supports mask mandates is beyond me.
Reply ReplyMy view has always been that masks are useless. If you are sneezing and coughing you shouldn't be out in public. We will all get COVID anyway.
Reply ReplyAnyone check their oxygen levels when wearing a mask. Not good. Masks are not helpful but harmful to many. No mask mandate. People should make their own choice if they want to wear one or not.
Reply ReplyWhile I believe Covid is a real thing—my son had and was very very I’ll—I still think masks are useless since everybody keeps getting sick and, this is about power and control not health. Also, this is Kate Brown “best serving” her “revenge cold and slowly”
Reply ReplyI've been wearing a mask since April 2020...now I wear a KN95 mask. I am triple vaccinated...have not been sick...no cold, no flu...Masks + Vaccines + social distancing has kept my husband and I well.
Reply ReplyI am not vaccinated and never will be and if I had COVID I thought it was a common cold.
How many new cases and deaths are we still dealing with? Until that stops I will continue to mask up.
Reply ReplyMask do not stop the spread. I use a oxygen sensor every day for work and with the normal paper mask that most wear your oxygen levels inside the mask drop to 16.5 percent. OSHA states anything below 19.5 is unsafe. So according to OSHA any environment having less then 19.5 is considered unhealthy!
Reply ReplyIt's basic elementary knowledge that masks help protect against respiratory illnesses. Anybody too entitled to wear a mask in public during a pandemic, is only showing their true colors as an ignorant and self absorbed drain on society. Let's Go Darwin! Let's Go Darwin!
Reply ReplyAccording to the science the virus particles are smaller then most masks so unless your wherin a 95 the mask is useless
Just wear the damned thing! It provides SOME protection which is better than none.
Reply ReplyOpposed the mandate from the beginning and still do. If people want to wear masks, let them by all means, but I don't want to be forced to.
Reply ReplyMask's don't prevent the spread of viruses and are a pathetic attempt to make people feel safe while forcing the people who actually think for themselves to be harassed and belittled by democrat moron's!
Reply ReplyI wear mine---can't understand why so many refuse to wear a mask?? The people I've seen, not wearing a mask, have all been men!!??
Reply ReplyNo I have never believed in masks, all of this government overreach, shutdowns, masks have caused more trouble than the virus itself! I do not and have not and will not wear a mask and will boycott any company enforcing this farce mandate! I am vaccinated but just say NO to masks! move on!!!
Reply ReplyMask wearing helps to prevent the spread of covid and in no way takes away anyone's rights.
Reply Reply
I wear a higher rated mask after being vaccinated and boosted to protect from the undereducated anit vaxers, who think their rights for choice outweigh mine for protection from them.
Replyswitched from cloth to N95
ReplyI wear a mask even though I'm vaccinated to protect my family. A family member got covid but I didn't because of how careful we are.