Has your vehicle ever been broken into?
Yes, unfortunately..
No, I've been lucky!
Bend's a pretty safe town overall; I've never had an issue with even leaving my car unlocked.
Bend's a pretty safe town overall; I've never had an issue with even leaving my car unlocked.
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repeatedly. the first time it was locked up so it was damaged when it was broken into, after that I leave it unlocked and they steal my glasses and change but they don.t damage it.
ReplyYes they went through things but didn't take anything. Plus seen foot prints that were fresh when there was snow on the ground.
ReplyBut not for a very long time.
ReplyYes, many years ago, but not in Central Oregon.
Replyyes twice on different occasions.
ReplyBroken into and they were obviously looking for money as they did not take anything except some store reward cards in what they must have thought was a wallet.
ReplyOur car was actually STOLEN in Salem, while we were at the state fair!! Left us high & dry til relatives from Eugene came and picked us up. We had to rent a car to get home!!!
ReplyAnd stolen.