Do you support development of a 260 acre new Bend neighborhood?
As an airline pilot and someone who previously walked in that area on the East side of Bend, I am totally against the city ruining yet another nice area of town. And the discounted homes for teachers is BS, These are the same people who ditched our kids during Covid while everyone else had to work.
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Right, that's why property values are plummeting and people are leaving in droves. 🙄

Sounds like a nice socialist housing project planned by government Marxist subsidized by hard working TAX Payers. Oregon needs to get rid of Urban Growth Boundaries and open land up for investment and create competition so contractors can build witch would increase supply & bring down some cost.
Reply ReplyBend is already overpopulated and has lost much of what made it such a nice place to live - namely, the beautiful natural areas in and around it that have been covered over with roads, subdivisions and businesses. If we stop building more neighborhoods and businesses, people will stop moving here.
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The only long-term solution to high housing costs is more housing.
ReplyIt is the Right thing to do!