Do you support a Highway 97 bypass in Redmond?
Chris Gonzales
The roads we have now aren't maintained by the city except to do the bare minimum. The cheap seal coat doesn't last and now they want to waste money on building this to which it too will fall into disrepair! The roundabouts not unless they can handle the Semi Trucks without going across center!
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Yes!...and don't make the same mistake Bend made with the parkway... should be as far east as possible
ReplyThis is a minimum of 10 years overdue. They widened and made 6th St. and 5th St. one-way in 2007, and they should have been considering a bypass at that time. This is definitely overdue. A bypass around Bend is mandatory and definitely overdue as well.
ReplyHWY 97 from the California border to the Columbia River should be minimum 2 lanes in each direction with median barrier.
ReplyIt is essential to prevent further decay of the traffic movement that now causes thousands of hours of nonproductive activity on Hwy 97.
ReplyJust don't screw it up like last time! A bypass should bypass not bottle neck. Also Don't do like bend did and make it a dangerous bicycle lane and 45 mph, it should be a freeway bypass with easy access if Redmond is the goal for your trip.
ReplyMost Critical.
ReplyYes definitely we need it badly, we sometimes have to wait through several lights in Redmond!
Replytraffic sucks!!
ReplyIt is needed but not on the back of Redmond citizens. This is a federal highway, I will vote no if they try to raise my taxes,
ReplyIt will help the traffic that goes through there all the time and the semi trucks if they can have another way to go, because ones you get into Redmond long wait of Back up Traffic , So I hope this will help Thank you