Do you agree with Bend's 'tiny homes' rules?
People should be able to build what they can afford. They need to conform to SOME regulations, but don't make it so difficult for everyone. And people need to keep their noses out of neighbors' business.
Reply ReplyI have a tiny house, and when I went down to the county to try to obtain a legal permit the guy working LAUGHED IN MY FACE. The city needs to do more to provide options for the middle class. I work full time, born and raised here with a college degree and I can barely afford Bend anymore...
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$1500.00 a day is a cruel and completely out of place fine. Everybody would/should agree $1500.00 a day is outlandish plus affordable house is hard to come by
Reply ReplyI do not agree with the cities regulations on tiny homes. There is no affordable housing for regular people trying to make a living.
Reply ReplyHis tiny home should be counted as a RV if it's on wheels they're being ridiculous and the neighbor is freaking nosy for turning him in people don't have anything better to do than bother other people that are trying to make a home for themselves unbelievable I'm glad I don't live there
Reply ReplyGo get license plates for your trailer then it's a vehicle and you should be allowed to park at your driveway. Also check your laws there is always a loophole to be found. If you own the property look up homesteading. Join tiny homes on Facebook they have a lot of advice lots of lawyers join them.
Reply ReplyMy HOA only allows one shed in our backyards. So the second shed will be on wheels with a tow hitch. Therefore second shed is not a shed at all. It's a tailor.
Affordable housing is only lip service. A very ambiguous term. Affordable for who? Affordability is a subjective term.
It's his property. The home is nice. People need to mind their own damn business. I could see if it was something that was endangering someone else but we have apartments here in Washington state that are smaller than that.
Reply ReplyCity encouraged such building. Yes, builder should have obtained permit BUT the City itself set up the road- blocks to do so. What a bunch of hooey! Ugh.
Reply ReplyThere is a housing crisis in Oregon and the tuny home met all criteria except for wheelchairs. There are lots of 2nd story apartment buildings that cannot be accessed by Wheelchairs. The city is afraid of affordable housing. They just want people on the streets!
Reply ReplyJust more liberal regulators. Bend has become over regulated and over priced. Ease the regulations and just leave people alone to live their lives in a way they can afford. Stop the ridiculousness already! $1,500 a day? You've all lost your ever loin' minds. You simply have no hearts and souls.
Reply ReplyThe rules that Deschutes have is why we have so many homeless and the rents are outrageous. So we will continue to see people on streets as the county workers laugh in our faces as we try to deal with their messes . I say too much government is making our lives unbearable
Reply ReplyJust park on the street and live there in anything RV,car,truck,tent anything for ever
Reply ReplyAbsolutely disgusting and assured that Counties are fighting this type of solution to extremely high rents and low surplus of affordable housing. I am so very tired of short sighted , uninspired government...both local and federal. We need solutions and Tiny Homes offer a truly viable one.
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The council make enough salary to buy apartment buildings or big mansions while normal people are left to be judged by them who live in a bubble.