Do bands requiring vaccinations and tests make your more or less likely to attend their concerts?
I am more likely to attend!
It makes me rethink if I should attend!
It’s an outdoor venue. For those who feel safer, they may wear one, two, or ten masks. But as for me, if a band chooses to discriminate, I will choose to save my money.
Reply ReplyWe seriously need to be able to just live our own lives. We as the people have rights and we should have the choice to do what we choose to do. Not enforce all these rules and regulations.
Reply ReplyVaccinations should be a choice not forced on people. I don't think it's fair to require someone to get the vaccine to enjoy music.
Reply ReplyIt’s outdoors for crying out loud. Why should a band be allowed to do this?
Reply ReplyBecause it’s an individual choice. If you are worried about getting COVID than get the vaccine or don’t go out into public.
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They did the same thing with the Jews doing ww2 asking them for their papers
Reply ReplyMANDATORY BAND VAC'S are doing nothing more than taking away your own civil right under our constitution. Just another leftist political ploy to REGULATE THE MASSES! All cattle and people are more manageable when corralled, don't you know!!!
Reply ReplyLooks like I will never go to another concert ever. Concert venues and any other public venue who will require vaccines are going to lose a lot of money because of this.
Reply ReplySee verbal judo it makes me rethink attending because I don't like the propaganda control
Reply ReplyVaccinated or not, it will be a cold day in hell when some mothball band with a fat ego thinks they have the right to decide my fate!
Reply ReplyI am allergic to the vaccine and was advised by my Doctor not to take it. I should not be penalized for that.
Reply ReplyIn China you can be jailed for speaking out against lock downs. Many are dying because they cannot leave their homes either because of sickness or starvation. This is known because some are either brave or foolish and getting the word out.
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A vaccinated person who contracts a breakthrough infection is far less likely to need to be hospitalized. A vaccinated person is far less likely to get infected and spread the virus.
ReplyObvious safety & health concerns - I prefer close contact only with the vaccinated to minimize the chance that I will be part of any kind of further spread of this economy crippling disease. Vax requirements are the only way out.
ReplyBecause I'm smart
ReplyBecause not enough people take this seriously!!!
ReplyIf it means not wearing a mask. Otherwise - No.