Are you in favor of more restrictions in order to reopen schools?
Yes, I am!
No, we don't need more restrictions.
We don't need more restrictions for our businesses. It will affect them economically when some businesses are already struggling.
We don't need more restrictions for our businesses. It will affect them economically when some businesses are already struggling.
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JB Strelchun
Let the healthy kids and adults work/function without restrictions in schools and businesses. Focus on protecting the vulnerable in their facilities and let each individual take personal responsibility for their own health/safety based on their own personal health assessment and RISK TOLERANCE!
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Bend Teacher
Restaurants and bars are closed and there are still a record number of cases. It wasn't a tourist at a STR who brought their COVID to Bend, forced a shop to close & prevented kids from going back to school. It was the roommate of an employee who got COVID - a Bend resident. Need contact tracing!
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When is our community going to rally for our KIDS...our future! This is not NYC, it's small-town-USA . We can do SO much more to get our kids back in school! You can go get a cocktail at your favorite public restaurant, but our public schools remain closed? It's time EVERYONE takes one for the team!
ReplyOk, so if anyone has been around town lately, its clear there are too many out and about for things that are less than essential to their daily lives right now. Its clear tourism is still very much alive. How to get kids back in school, STAY HOME unless you have to work.