Simply being born here should not give automatic citizenship. Many women specifically come across border to have their child so the child will have US citizenship. Not right.
It's a Constitutional Right. Period.
Many other issues the Trump administration could focus on that could actually provide value for the dollars spent. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM!
He has already done more for America in one day that the previous admin ever did. It’s all about what’s best for the people, not for the politicians. I truly believe he and his team will make America great again.
The only reason he got elected is the terrible way the democrats handled this election. Democrats need to get back to their roots of being for the everyday working American voter and not this elitist far left agenda.
his pardons of the Jan 6 criminals convicted by juries - or admitting guilt of attacking officers - undermines rule of law.
evicting immigrants rather than finding path to citizenship or permanent residence undermines both agriculture and tourism. will increase cost of groceries and lessen tourism.
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