Should the Huskers try to put together games outside the Big 10?
Yes, they should
No, it's over
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if a healthy athlete gets this it is like the flu. Short-term and no long-term damage. Let them play!
Replywe don't let fear dictate!
ReplyAre they going to extend eligibility for the players. If they can get the games, go for it.
ReplyLife without football would be terrible. For the players, fans and coaches. Of course they would follow safety guidelines. The NHL has not had any problems with corona so far - lets use their model!
ReplyIf they can do it safely, then yes have the games. It would be nice to see a variety of schools - maybe some old Big 8 rivals.
ReplyThis would be great. As long as each participant has the same philosophy on testing, then what difference does it make. Maybe stay out of Texas? But what about eligibility if playing more than 4 games
ReplyI think the players need to do what they do. No one is getting younger. For many this season is a chance at something big. The benefits outweigh the risks IMO.
ReplyWe need college football and the players are probably safer on campus than at home.
ReplyEverything in life is a risk to some degree. This is no different.
ReplyThese student players deserve to play !
ReplyAbsolutely. They act like football will cause covid. Play on, but think twice about non FBS teams.
Replyheck yes they should play, big 12, or acc, or even sec, free country if a kids parents are ok with it then play
ReplySchedule with whoever still wants to play. You can get Covid going to the grocery store. The players have access to the best medical attention, facilities and testing. Why not play?
Replythey can play all fall sports!!! test the athletes, put them in a dorm and quarantine all of them.