Eliminate tackling during practice in the regular season??
Good Decision
Bad Decision
Good Decision
Bad Decision
Nebraska has had plenty of tackling issues in last couple years.... this would be a horrible decision.
Reply ReplyTo teach tackling fundamentals, you have to tackle. Not saying it has to be during a scrimmage, could be one on one training, but it seems that at least SOME tackling could be beneficial.
Reply ReplyPractice makes perfect. You need to practice tackling to be and get better. You will lose some fundamentals when you stop tackling during the regular season. Practice is meant to get better and iron out the problem areas.
Reply ReplyWhere do you get the practice. How do you get to the big game, practice, practice.
Reply ReplyIf you wait for a real game to practice tackling all your going to do is increase the injurys
Reply ReplyLike any other sport, practice makes perfect and the one thing you can't get rusty on throughout the season is tackling.
Reply Reply
(Absolute sarcasm) Hugs only in practice, no flags either, put colored chalk on hands and arms to indicate a tackle...Bring in A/C units or heater units as well...sandwiches and juice with periodic 20 min rest session. Really?!?!?!? Whats next virtual practice on an xbox?
ReplyHas the Harbaugh celebrity status to pull in good recruits minus the Harbaugh baggage.