Do you think Deion Sanders (Coach Prime) is good candidate for head coach of Nebraska football?
His look at me narcissist style is not a fit for the state or the university...and he is not proven at the power 5 level.
Reply ReplyNo, Deion would not be a good fit. Too much flash, not enough head coaching experience. That said, he has done a great job where he is.
Reply ReplyHe was a flamboyant player but he has no Power 5 coaching experience. Not a Nebraska culture kinda guy.
Reply ReplyHe is not qualified nor does he have leadership qualities. What a joke of a question to even have here. Let's get serious.
Reply ReplyOur largest challenge is someone who can not only bring in 4 and 5 star recruits, but to adapt them to the CULTURE at Nebraska and bring out the best of them within that culture. Deion Sanders is not a part of Nebraska Cornhusker culture and cannot bring that to players.
Reply ReplyNebraska MUST get this hire right. They simply cannot afford the risk of a coach with no power 5 coaching/recruiting experience. The stakes are to high to gamble.
Reply ReplyNo matter the hype and potential, I want a qualified experienced HC who's exemplified those traits that we so desperately need. Deion could be that guy in a few years but I don't want to take the chance at this point that he's not.
Reply Reply
I live in Jackson, MS and believe me, anyone who can do what he's done at an HBCU school like Jackson St can flat out coach and he talked the #1 overall recruit in the country into signing with them! Not to mention several other highly ranked recruits. Yes, he could get it done! JSU SUCKED B4 DEION!
ReplyThe silver sluggers would never allow this. But I think hed be a breath of fresh air, but could be a PR nightmare for TA.
Replyhe will bring the energy we need to rebound the program. but like any program one coach don't do it alone need great assistants.
ReplyI just feel Deion Sanders can recruit the 4&5 star recruits that will make Nebraska competitive! GBR
ReplyPrime is the only coach out there capable of being able to handle the fish bowl that is Nebraska Football
ReplyPrime time would bring prime recruits and a winner’s attitude