Should the Missouri legislature slash the governor's state employee pay raise plan?

Wages need to rise for most State workers. If the legislature wants to keep the budget under control, how about they lower their own salaries and benefits?
Reply ReplyDear God, I am a Republican. But we cannot keep staff at our prisons and state psychiatric hospitals. Inflation is overtaking us and we are being destroyed and dismantled by the private sector around us. HELP!
Reply ReplyIt is time for Missouri to finally step up and stop ranking dead last, in the entire United States, in the pay of essential state workers.
Reply ReplyI have been a loyal employee of the State for over 15 years. Many years we don't even get a cost of living raise let alone any raises for good job performance. It is inexcusable that we are CONSISTENTLY ranked at the bottom compared to the salaries of other State employees across the nation!
Reply ReplyState workers are instrumental to keeping state business aflow. The very staff in need of the pay increase will get less than everyone. Which is ridiculous. . ALL state workers are being paid extremely less than any other state in the US. MO legislature are ridiculous to believe that they conti
Reply ReplyI am in favor of pay raise for mo state workers due to being lowest paid in the country. Inflation has raised prices of everything. We can't keep workers due to low pay and that causing employees to work astronomical overtime hrs weekly. Moral is low. Quality of care to individuals is conpromised.
Reply ReplyIt’s time to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour which is about $32,400 based on 2080 hours a year.
Reply ReplyThey need to come and do my job at ERDCC department of Corrections for a day and see what I do. I work my butt off for the state and only making 12.00 dollars an hour. I don't even get hazard pay for going inside the fence. If it weren't for OSA the Aw, FUM`s & caseworker job would not be complete!
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Defund the police and fund the politicians.