Should Congress pass voting rights legislation?
To my knowledge (even though many vote-fraud accusations haven't been verified), there are far more verified cases of vote fraud than verified cases of legally entitled voters denied their right to vote. I have no doubt that such cases would be broadly publicized if they existed.
Reply ReplyTo an extent there are cases that are showcase creation of difficulty in voting such as closing of polling centers in minority areas, creating very nuanced things that make it harder to vote by mail or absentee without telling the public and other things that are minor but not at the same time
Quit calling it "voting rights" it is a democrat fraud easing scheme. It makes cheating easier. Something democrats tend to cheer.
Reply Replywe do not need federal election laws, especially this one proposed. we need total voter id laws and minimal abstentee balllots that are verified well in advance of elections
Reply ReplyVoting is left up to our states. Don't allow the federal government to change laws and take control. Why? Have you seen what happens when the government is left in control of something? Everything tends to mess up. Examples include public education, mail services, etc.
Reply ReplyStates are in charge of our voting rights, this allows us to regulate and make sure there is election integrity. These Federal rules take that accountability away. CoMo got $647,000 CTCL money, we wouldn’t know how much 2020 fraud went on in Boone county if it weren’t state-county local. Vote no!!
Reply ReplyThe Constitution gives the states the right to control the voting process. The democrats do not believe in the constitution. The United States, under its Constitution, is a federal, representative, democratic republic, an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. Biden is trying to subvert the Law.
Reply ReplyTo JH, Yes your statement is true, but it requires a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Good luck with that. What Biden is doing is called senseless Grandstanding.
Mr. DeYoung You are right to an extent but also wrong, Article 1 section 4 states, The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations
To make that easier to understand, the Biden administration, is crooked to the bone, and communist in nature.
It's interesting to see all the people complaining about federal election takeover when these bills include things such as: requirement for independent redistricting so no more gerrymandering, prohibition on campaign spending by foreign nationals, improved election security, and better outlined...
ReplyEqual voting rights for all Americans!