Is the Senate gun bill a good compromise?

Creating more laws to hinder good people, will have no affect on criminals, while existing laws are not enforced. Even morons realize criminals don't obey laws. Too bad democrats and RINO's, are not smart enough to understand this. Blunt will be replaced with a real man, and it won't be John Wood.
Reply ReplyShall Not Be Infringed. Supreme Court just ruled: only justification needed is the right to defend ourselves. The Marxists and communists in other countries disarmed their population and tyranny rules. USA was based on not being controlled by Kings/govt. bad guys rule too. And can always get guns.
Reply ReplyAnd in addition to that, Roe vs Wade has been overturned. Murder, I mean abortion, is no longer Federally protected.
When the House and Senate are all done adjusting the Constitution, The SCOTUS will gut this phony Socialist Bill.
Justin, there's a reason all your posts lately get deleted. There even more pointless and pathetic than you. Even KMIZ sees it. Now stfu and let the adults talk. Someone's at the drive up window, you screwed up their order, again
ReplyOmg haven't we already "discussed " this?
ReplyEXCEPT at gun shows were you can buy a gun from any individual who is not a licensed dealer and submit to no background check at all. All you have to do is show a state ID (drivers license)