Do you support more gun regulations?

Gun control is misogynist, racist, and classist. I will never support such evil legislation.
Reply Reply2.5 MILLION defensive uses annually vs. <400 deaths from ALL types of rifles. That's fewer than those killed by hands & feet. Ask yourself who benefits from making citizens powerless in a nation with increasing authoritarian control, militarized police, and NSA surveillance. And who owns the media.
Reply ReplyThe gun regulations do not work. They attack the law abiding citizen. They need to concentrate on the criminals that use them in a violent nature and not the ones using to protect themselves. Or hunt for their food.
Reply ReplyThere are already plenty of laws in place. Criminals don't obey laws. Guns are not the problem.
Reply ReplyGuns are already one of THE most regulated items in America. It's impossible to commit a crime with a gun without breaking several existing laws in the process... will 1 or 2 more laws stand in the way of gun crime when tens of thousands of gun laws did not? Just enforce the laws we already have.
Reply ReplyWe don't need more gun laws. We need stiffer penalties for committing a crime with a gun. Might as well ban spoons to combat obesity and the health care crisis.
Reply ReplyDem run cities are a health hazard see top 20 most violent USA cities are democrat led and until defund the police and no bail laws are gone they are getting worse.
Reply ReplyThe government is taking away our rights one by one. The 2nd amendment SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON.
Reply ReplyThe constitutional right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed.
Reply ReplyAs a responsible gun owner, I think the real problem is not with regulating who can own them. If I can defend myself and my family, I stand less of a chance of becoming a statistic. Open carry is a great way to deter crime.
Reply ReplyMurder is illegal, criminals do not follow the law. This will put law abiding citizens in disadvantage. Guns will be still be able to be made illegally to commit illegal crimes
Reply ReplyLaw abiding citizens aren't the issue and neither are the guns. The problem continues to be criminals committing heinous acts of violence with indiscriminate abandon.
Reply ReplyThe 2nd amendment wasn't given to keep the people regulated but to regulate the Gov't over the people. I'd vote yes to regulate our Govt's weapons and our military empire
Reply ReplyAdditional regulations do nothing to stop criminals, obviously a person planning on robbing and murdering someone is not going to be concerned if the weapon he uses is illegal. It only disarms law abiding citizens leaving them vulnerable to criminals who disregard these ineffective laws.
Reply ReplyThe Feds don't enforce the laws we already have, why would we want more do nothing, feel good laws? None of his proposals would have prevented any of the recent mass shootings. By definition criminals don't care if it's against the law, think somebody about to commit murder cares about Joe's rules?
Reply ReplyMost proposals punish the wrong people. Assault weapons can a tiny percentage (less than 1%) of gun deaths annually. We need crime fighting regulations that interrupt gang-related cycles of violence, properly hold people who use crimes accountable (e.g. automatic jail terms), social changes.
Reply Replynot one of the suggested restrictions would have prevented these crimes. This is like confiscating minivans and hatchback cars because some crazy people intentionally run people over with convertables.
Reply ReplyCriminals do not obey gun laws, murder is a crime, we need to get to the root cause of why people do this.
Reply ReplyI'm not willing to trade any of my rights for anything, let alone the perception of safety.
Reply ReplyBecause none of the gun control measures of the past have made any difference as seen in places with the highest violence typically have the most draconian gun regulations. There is zero correlation with how newer gun control regulations will, or could, prevent any of the tragedies of the past.
Reply ReplyCriminals do not obey laws. Passing more will do NOTHING to actually stop gun violence.
Reply ReplyCriminals don't care how many "restrictions" law abiding citizens have. If they want the gun, they will get it. All these regulations do is keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.
Reply ReplyWe need to focus on actually ENFORCING the gun control laws we actually have. Only 4% of background check violations actually get prosecuted. It blows mind, how the left screams for more laws, but refuses to enforce the ones they already have.
Reply ReplyBecause of the binary choice offered, I could not express my nuanced thoughts on the subject so I opted for the extreme.
Reply ReplyYou can't legislate moralit or respect for your fellow man. You CAN protect yourself from the criminals, crazies, leftists and democrats.
Reply Reply
Gun worship is about human sacrifice on the altar of power and profit. Anyone who tells you anything different is selling something.
ReplySupporters of ownership of any gun imaginable always leave out of their constitution arguments the part about "well-regulated". They also, forget the militia part. It seems clear that our forefathers had in mind that citizens would act as a militia before we had a National Guard.
ReplyIn no other western industrialized country in the world is there such a disgraceful absence of firearms control that is responsible for so much killing as there is in the United States. Even the Heller decision by the SCOTUS approved of government controls.
ReplyThere is nothing about 99.9 percent of the gun nuts in this country that could possibly be defined as a "a well regulated Militia". The gun situation in this country is the exact opposite.
ReplyAnyone should be allowed the right to own a firearm. 1 pistol type and 1 rifle type. Nothing semi automatic or fully automatic. Nobody needs those weapons. Not for hunting or protection.
ReplyGuns are weapons. They're too easily gotten by people who shouldn't have guns. There's no reason for many of the semi automatic and automatic weapons being sold except for to kill multiple people. No need and high risk. Let's know who are buying guns in mass. The do do to pass them onto criminals.
ReplyBecause people are not as mature and responsible as weapons require. They kjust aren't. We have to regulate the use of motor vehicles, too. Grow up, yahoos.
ReplyAssault weapon civilian related crimes have become a pandemic.
ReplyI don't think a reasonable person needs to own a military weapon. I can understand the person who wants a handgun or rifle. The NRA encourages people to collect guns. The NRA should be held accountable for the bullshit they spread.
ReplyOur society doesn't benefit from citizens with assault weapons and there are people that have demonstrated they shouldn't be in possession of any type of gun, certainly not weapons of war.