Do you agree with the FDA's move to ban menthol cigarettes?

Tobacco is a legal product and adults should be allowed to make their own decisions.
Reply ReplyEither ban all cigarettes or leave them alone. As a former smoker, menthol at that, to ban certain ones is going to target a certain audience no matter which way you go. What a person puts in his or her own body is that person's decision. Why increase the divisiveness among the American people?
Reply ReplyWhat does race have to do with cigarettes? See KMIZ, you are part of the problem. Why must EVERYTHING be about race to the media. You hear all the time about stereotypes, and the media continues to push it.
Reply ReplyIt’s none of the government’s business what people choose to put in their bodies. Plus, to ban the tobacco products that’s the most popular with African Americans, as if they can’t decide what’s best for them, is incredibly patronizing if not racist.
Reply ReplyI have smoked menthol for yrs and there just as addicted as full flavors
Reply Reply
smoking just results in addiction, sickness and death, nothing good rly comes from it.