Do conditions in Missouri prisons need to improve?
The incarcerated already get to much. If anything the Officers that work the prisons need better compensation.
Reply ReplyMost prisoners have committed numerous felonies before they were sent to prison. They won't change, they don't deserve a nicer place. Many wonderful senior citizens can't afford A/C for their homes. Remove cable tv, weight rooms and gyms from prisons. Prison should be very unpleasant.
Reply ReplyAll that was paid for by the inmates through the Inmate canteen fund generated by their spending. You don't get to treat them Sub-human just because they got caught, and you didn't. I see crime out here everyday by normal people.
Plus, the mail is a popular way to get drugs into a prison. If this way stops that, it's a huge win for officer safety. I do think sending mail to Florida is silly though. Should have a system here that does it too. Would be quicker.
Tablets are pre paid for by an outside company. Again, no taxpayer monies are used for them. Inmates have to use their money to get music, use email, use phone, etc. And if they misbehave, officers can confiscate it for a certain amount of time. Reinforce good behavior
Their cable TV, wifi, games, weights etc are NOT free. No tax payer monies are involved. All comes from state inmate funds. Each inmate is paid a minimum of $8/month for "work" some do more, paid more. They donate to it. If it runs out, it's on them.
You are missing the point. It`s not about being "soft on inmates". Things like rec yards and TVs and sports activities give inmates something else to do besides get into fights and attack the prison staff.
Felon's don't deserve free stuff. I have to pay for my internet and the prisoners too. Maybe we should hire the prison systems over to China like we did all of the manufacturing. The Chinese would be happy to work for $16 an hour.
Don't let the story fool you about their mail. They all get a FREE tablet that they can use to do email and even make phone calls with! So the mail is NOT the only means to the outside world for them at all.
That's a sure fire way to have riots that can injure or kill staff members. I used to think like you until I saw how it changed their behavior. Believe me, there's plenty here to make lives miserable
We still have five open that we were told to close years ago, so yes they need to be improved. It's bad enough that we are mearly warehousing Offenders instead of teaching them a trade to benefit Society.
ReplyAs an officer of doc, some of the prisons are in serious need of repairs or improvements. No ac in heat of summer is unbearable. Temps in mid 90s where officers sit. Worse in some prison cells. Most officers don't get ac. Yet ALL non custody, secretaries, case managers do.
ReplyBecause they are human beings.
ReplyMy son is incarcerated at SCCC in Licking Mo, he has been denied food, medical treatment, the correctional officers broke his TV and have denied visits. The prison has mice and roaches. The food is cold. He's lost 80 lbs in 1 7 months. They don't offer GED classes. They denied him spiritual books
ReplyAll prisons should be air conditioned for the safety of the officers. Prisoners who are in sweltering heat are more prone to get into fights and attack officers. And the pay of corrections officers needs to be raised so that DOC can retain staff.