
Derek Wildstar
Great poll and no doubt conducted with the highest integrity in contrast with others I've seen. I'm voting "Remain" here because even with a Brexit, I'm convinced what will indeed *remain* regardless is EU in the pockets of Westminster. Let's extract these crooks before putting this up for vote!
Reply Reply
This is why - Paul Craig Roberts at his best and everybody needs to see this http://investmentwatchblog.com/paul-craig-roberts-brexit-eu-interview/
ReplyIn 1991 I realised that the purpose of government is to control people and not to serve them. They banned smoking on the bus. But they want the money from cigarette tax. It has steadily become worse, increasing taxes and less liberty. If the vote was stay in EU and close down UK Govt, I'd vote IN.
ReplyBecause Zionist Marxism is dead!!
ReplyBritain needs to leave the European Union.
ReplyThe EU is nothing more than another banker-owned New World Order subsidiary.
ReplyPoliticians treat their electorate with contempt; they always think they know what's good for us. The expression "kindly let me help you or you'll drown" said the monkey putting the fish safely up a tree, comes to mind. The more distributed power is, the less harm politicians can do IMHO.
ReplyWhy I vote to leave, simple, to regain national sovereignty. The basis of all civilised countries is to control their own individual destinies, make their own laws, have their own courts and have the ability to vote out any politicians who don't, or won't carry out our wishes.
ReplyBut the 1/st comment for Remain on this Poll has some merit plus - better less complacency (?) and... Bewareth TTIP eh. Though, yeah OUT, might reap better.
ReplyThe establishment wants me to vote 'remain' so I'm voting 'leave'.
ReplyThe EU is a parasitic organisation, staffed with technocrats that cannot even speak English, why should they impose endless petty pointless laws and red tape on the British people, just trying to make a living?
Replyit is a patently fascist ortganisation of the Elite, with scant regard for the feelings and wishes of the citizens.. it is a tool of the new world order, and once TTP and its ilk are signed we will be integrated into the N WO under the aus[pices of the United Nations...that is how it appears to be
ReplyFor the future prosperity and security of this country, especially for a brighter future for my children, grandchildren and beyond.
ReplyBecause I don't want to be a submissive slave to foreigners and I'm sick of immigrants and islam...
ReplyThe EU is a FALSE-union, it is white-collar crime on the most massive level.
ReplyI love, Europe and voted for a trade deal 73/74 but it's turned into an undemocratic monster with the people not having a say. Personally, I think the nations divided evenly and will go to major civil unrest....Blood will flow!
ReplyNo the EU superstate and its imperial expansionist agenda
ReplySo the Brits can be free from the Nazi EU overlords.
ReplyThe EU is an unaccountable, corrupt, undemocratic, even anti-democratic power cabal. It is so corrupt as an institution that is auditors have refused to sign of on their accounts for over two decades. The sooner this evil power cabal disappears, the better.
ReplyI want us to be a free country again.
ReplyIt is time to this undemocratic EU.
ReplyI think we should not be Governed by unelected bureaucrats.
ReplyTired of the European Union and refugees.
ReplyDo some research before taking what the mainstream media are telling you as truth.
ReplyFor the sake of the future of this country and our childrens future.
ReplyMany reasons. AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD wrote in the Telegraph that it was always a US CIA operation. It will strengthen US involvement in Europe and NATO, leading to more war, Russia is in the crosshairs currently. At terrifying move. TTIP is another reason, the loss of the NHS, privatisation...
Replytoo much immigration
ReplyI want to see Democracy back in action
ReplyBecause of the bare faced lies and condescending attitude of the remain side
ReplySave Brits millions,be their own nation to make thier own decisions,and not have to answer EU,also,can start deporting all the damn Muslims. We' d never visit Europe or England now cuz of Muslims.
ReplySimple - national sovereignty, freedom & personal liberty, democracy, common law vs the fascist bureaucratic dictatorship of civil law and corporate Marxism!
Replyto save my children from corporate servitude
ReplyI vote to leave because I think (don't know, nobody can) that a huge number of people and a huge number of countries under the control of just one 'parliament' will not be good. They cannot take into account individuality and culture. Decisions will be made for majorities with minorities unrepresen
ReplyI want the free country that our forefathers gave their lives for
Replydemocracy, sovereignty, security, economy, freedom.
ReplyI believe Traitor Edward Heath started this ball rolling..I do not want to live under a federal fascist EU supranational/Nato superstate..My grandfather was a gunner in Malta for 6 years during WWII..2000 plus air raids..was that all for nothing?..The people of this world know we are all one.
ReplyThe people need to control the future not corps.
ReplyGetting our sovereignty back is key to making a start to sort out our rotten politicians.
ReplyLess bureaucratic, more demo
ReplyAfter gathering the truth about the EU from the independent media, which seems to do its research into how and why the EU was set up, there was no other decision to make other than vote leave. Fingers crossed the rest of the UK citizens have listened to the truth & not the prostitutes that govern us
ReplyTo many people from other country are take our houses jobs filling our hospital up taking our schools up and we give 350min pound every year and we get less than half back are we stupid England.
Replythe EU parliament is a circus , we (UK) have no powers.. faceless eurocrats make the laws/rules .. we have no control over our destiny if we stay in. Come out we can freely trade with the rest of the world and EU will still want to stay 'friends' as we import more goods from them than we export !!!
ReplyTruth, Freedom, Democracy. Restore Lawful Government!
ReplyFreedom begins taking one step at a time.
ReplyEU project is just a big business takeover
ReplyEU is a corrupt antidemocratic creeping federalist state suited only for the rich and powerful, not for the people. Content in destroying democracy and countries for profit.
ReplyBecause EU is destroying our future.
ReplyCommon sense really
ReplyBecause I want our freedom to govern ourselves
ReplyThe simple matter is that the EU is undemocratic and too centralised. Left leaning luminaries like Tony Benn, Bob Crow and Michael Foot knew this and that is why they wanted to leave and some of us on the left also want to leave.
ReplyWe need to look after our selfs now things have changed in the world
ReplyTo get the UK back in people's hands again
ReplyCameron has lied about immigration. Cameron lied about the reforms he has supposedly achieved. Cameron can not be trusted to deal the the EU. Don't leave it to dodgy Dave.
Replyin a word- Greece! the EU showed its true colours by its total disregard for democracy
ReplyWe wont freedom
ReplyBecause there is no democracy in the EU and this country will do for better on its own without EU overruling everything that we propose
Replyrow our own boat
ReplyCorrupt, undemocratic, no transparency, no control over immigration and Soevereignty
Replyundemocratic, unelected rule/laws passed by EU eurocrats and ECHR
ReplySovereignty. Democracy. Want to effect change via the ballot box not via revolution.
ReplyFor freedom.
ReplyTo regain complete control of our legislation, and to even have a chance of controlling mass immigration. But also to help speed the death of the EU. VOTE LEAVE!!!
ReplyStronger, Safer, Better off OUT. I have lived in a Great Britain before the EU, and it was a much better place to live and Thrive. • How many of our young can expect a well paid job, with uncontrolled immigration keeping wages down? • How many can ever hope to Own their own property, yet immigrant
ReplyDemocracy and freedom
Replyindependence from corrupt eu control borders make own laws democracy
Replyimmigration and sick of being a 2nd class citizen in my country
Replyi want us to get our independence back and close our boarders
Replyuk better out
ReplyLeave its much greater margin 78% is the figure the media report it close because if they can rig it or miscount it purposely if its close theres no complaints if they give the true figure it cant be challenged
ReplyThere is more chance of democracy "breaking out", if we leave maybe people will realise we are capable of opting out of the big trade pacts which loom ahead of us, and maybe other European nations will decide to leave the united states of europe too