Which tree do you prefer at Christmastime?
Melissa Jeswald
The smell. It reminds me of my childhood Xmases. That was when Xmas season started a week or 2 before Dec. 25th. When I married, my DH needed an artificial tree b/c HE wanted it up the day after Tksgiving; -way too early for me. A real tree wasn't practical; it would be dead by Xmas. Now he's my ex.
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Don DiCarlo
i prefer a real tree with it's scent and feeling it gives to the room. i have an artificial to make these easier. But, no tree this past Christmas, God has forsaken US, 11-08-2016
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Heidi Reckel
I'd prefer a real tree but because I have a pair of bratty feline masters, I have to have a fake one.
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Marcia Savasta Sinclair
I love the tradition of going out with my family to choose and cut down a tree. We then decorate it together
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Cost effective, better for the environment, long term use, no shedding needles for my dogs to ingest, no overpowering scent, no need to haul it or transport it, don't have to find a dumpster to dispose of it, and I'll know every year exactly how big it will be and what it'll take to decorate it!
ReplyReal trees play havok on the allergies so artificial it is!
ReplyCheaper, more personalized, and easier to maintain.
ReplyWhy kill a tree for a decoration, if you like the smell of a real tree, they have products that can me it smell that way, less risk of fire, no mess, the list goes on and on
Replyeasier and saves a life.
ReplyI LOVE my artificial Snow flocked tree, that I can keep for years. I also planted a real one in 2006, when we bought this house; to replace the 2 Christmas trees we lost in HURRICANE KATRINA.I DECORAT
ReplyIt's easier and less messy.
ReplyPure shame to chop down perfectly healthy trees just to decorate our homes for just a few weeks. If a Christmas tree is so important to you, PLANT one in your front yard.
ReplyCleaner and in the long run cheaper than real trees. And, unfortunately, I'm actually allergic to drying plants.
ReplyThey are cleaner and cheaper if you have an artificial tree you can reuse it and save a lot of money per year.
ReplyLess work.
ReplyI am a tree hugging hippie.
ReplyI used to always get a real tree but it's hard to go get since my husband died, the trunks too skinny for the stand, drops needles, can't have it up as long, have to dispose of it. Artificial is easier and I like the size/shape.
ReplyMemories of an era of live trees are too painful.
Replyno cost every year, better for environment
ReplyMy son and I have very bad allergies and asthma. The real always sets them Off
ReplyIn spite of the fact that I love the scent of a fresh tree, an artificial is safer, cost effective, considering that they last for years, and better than chopping down a tree and then discarding it.
ReplyNo needles on floor and no living thing died for a few days celebration.
ReplyI can use the tree over and over again
ReplyI got a tiny artificial tree at a yard sale for $3 a few years ago, and it's the only tree for me!
ReplyI'm highly allergic to pine pollen. Woke up when I was 2 years old after getting a real tree and my eyes were swollen shut and crusted over and had my first asthma attack. Had to go to the ER and get an epi shot, then go to grandma's house while my mom & dad ditched the real tree.
ReplyI was raised with an artificial tree. It became a tradition to put the same tree up every year while having Christmas music playing. It is a tradition I am sharing with my son.
ReplySo I don't have to go out EVERY YEAR to get another one.
ReplyMy husband is allergic to Christmas trees. Also, it is easier for me to put up an artificial tree than to buy a real tree, bring it home, and trim the bottom as well as keep it watered.