Is the American economy poised to grow or stagnate?
Dale Muckerman
Trump and Musk have no desire to help the people of the United States. They want only to help themselves even if it is at our expense.
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Zaos Gonzolez
Actually, and factually, both Trump and Musk and the single most qualified persons on the planet to handle this. There are no other more qualified individuals.
The federal reserve is in opposition to the growth of America.
ReplyTariffs on foreign countries built America. Study history, and examine what the first president accomplished with them. Sadly, that history is not taught, mainly because of the soon to be dismantled department of education, and the deranged Trump hating media only wants their narrative heard.
ReplyEmployers and investors have been incentivized for 35 years to move jobs and investment overseas. Glad to see them coming back to the USA.