Commented "It's time to gut the government. They've been working against us, not for us, for far too long. SNAP should not include any junk food, none. "
Commented "I remember when the lottery was the end all of end alls for school financing. And look, our schools are worse than ever. It is not going to take any more people or money to improve the educational system. It's going to take massive reform, starting at the federal level "
Commented "If anything, it will help them by rallying his troops. The charges do seem to be illegitimate and a shitshow at best. Similar to the distractions during his time as President. All Trump wants is for America to become great again, At a minimum, stop the decline. "
Replied "No one wants that gross and dangerous job, slinging bags. There is no need to make this a racist or social issue, it's picking up the trash. At taxpayer expense. Doing so in a cost effective manner. Doh!"
Replied "That election was rigged with heavily biased wording. A mistake the voters should never allow to happen again. That bordered on election fraud in the eyes of some. An attempt at voter manipulation, for sure. "
Replied "That was a very poorly worded election, seemingly purposely done. And now that people realize they were fooled, they will actually read the ballots closer. "