Commented "The American people are selfish bunch of individuals. Instead of saying what's good for the community all they can think of themselves. It's not that much of an inconvenience. Suck it up and wear a mask. Over in Asia if they have a cold they wear a mask. Here is all out ME.... Not the community "
Commented "This argument saying it’s your body is selfish. If you have it you don’t know of the person you come in contact with is caring for someone that has a compromised system, which then they could give it to that person"
Commented "All these stimulus checks do is make the big businesses richer. People don’t spend it where it needs to go. Like rent, utilities and food. They spend it on new TV’s or just blow it and stupid stuff. There should be restrictions on where and how to spend this money"
Replied "So what you are saying even though in every court in the land their was no evidence we should just leave it up to who ever has the most money gets into office. So what happens when your person does win and then the Legislature votes against you? You will cry voter fraud at that time also."
Commented "Unless you were sitting everyday at the trial then this was a useless poll. You can not say guilty or innocent unless you heard all the evidence."
Replied "There are not that many people moving from California to Arizona to turn this state blue. Maybe people are just fed up with all the crap that is going on and don't want an incumbent taking office. They want some fresh blood in DC"
Commented "It is over due but not to 15.00 an hour I could see going to 9.50 but not 15. All that will do is just raise everything that much more. No one will benefit from being raised this high except the big buisness man "