Is The US Media Treating Ukraine Crisis Honestly?

The US has embarked on a program (not, apparently too well planned) of confrontation with the Russian Federation; which under Putin, I believe is well prepared and has planned thoroughly.
Reply ReplyHave relatives in Eastern Ukraine. I trust them more than Western Media.
Reply ReplyPeople from the region of Ukraine are refuting EU and US positions on the situation.
Reply ReplyBecause the U.S. media is being overtly one-sided as usual. They "mold public opinion", instead of factually reporting on events.
Reply Replyit should have been known that russia would not allow their only southern port to be subjected to instability
Reply Replybecause i see news from Russia and our media is telling tall tails of what is going on there. The people that live there should decide their destiny...not the west.
Reply ReplyI know people on the ground there and know an unbiased truth is preferential to the biased lies of the US controlled media.
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