When is the best time to put up holiday decor?
Before Thanksgiving
After Thanksgiving
Before Thanksgiving
After Thanksgiving
My personal preference..we typically spend the weekend after thanksgiving decorating..i like my holidays one at a time
Reply ReplyWe diminish the Thanksgiving spirit of harvest and gratitude when we overshadow it with Christmas decor.
Reply ReplyThere is no need to rush. Let the turkey subside. I think it is more fun not to rush the seasons together.
Reply ReplyBecause I have to take down Thanksgiving decoration before I can begin to put up Christmas Décor.
Reply ReplyWe should take the time to appreciate each Holiday. Not have Christmas on July 4th
Reply ReplyI like to give each holiday it's own due so wait until that one is over before entering the next one.
Reply ReplyIt makes sense to me to wait until after this day as stores have Christmas up around Halloween and I think they are nuts.
Reply ReplyWe need to give THANKS during that time before all of the materialistic celebrating.
Reply ReplyI prefer that things were more traditional. No reason to rush Christmas! It always shows up if we want it to or not. Same for Christmas displays in stores. Sheesh. Don't Need a reminder to shop!
Reply ReplyThere's no reason to put up xmas decorations before Thanksgiving. Really.
Reply ReplyThe fact that this is even a debate makes me sad. It makes Christmas less and less fun each year.
Reply ReplyCommon sense says that decorating after Turkey Day is better for the soul
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I think that putting it up too soon could make it less special as the season wears on
Reply ReplyI Don't Really LIKE ALL the COMMERCIALIZATION!!! Our Family ALWAYS KEEPS THE TREE & DECORATIONS UP...UNTIL DECEMBER 7th, You KNOW...The (12) Twelve Days Of CHRISTMAS!!! I FRANKLY CAN'T STAND-IT, HOW RUDE, PEOPLE ARE, And TAKE Their Stuff Down, Like The SECOND DAY!!! 1-(509)-586-0202 JAN CB!!!
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I love both holidays. (Thanksgiving and Christmas) I want the house decorated for both holidays .I wait until the day after Thanksgiving to put up the tree and lights .
ReplyIt takes me a few days to get two 7' trees up, thousands of lights, hundreds of balls. The question is WHY NOT?
Replyput up the thanksgiving decor by Nov 15 and put up the tree that weekend.
ReplyEven Thanksgiving has hoilday decor.
ReplyI put it all up but only start the lights on Thanksgiving night...