Would you support a permanent fireworks ban where you live?
Yes, the risk is too great!
No, that's going overboard!
Illegal fireworks cause most issues - and they're already illegal! Oregon's tame fireworks, if handled properly, pose little risk.
Illegal fireworks cause most issues - and they're already illegal! Oregon's tame fireworks, if handled properly, pose little risk.
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This is ridiculous, that what independence day is all about is the fireworks, how about doing some forest management to prevent wildfires
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Brad Livsey
ABSOLUTELY.......NOT!!! Just one more unfounded government restriction mandated without a people's vote!!!!!!!
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If people would be more caustious and follow the current rules and regulations regarding fireworks we wouldn't have as much of an issue. Having small fireworks in the driveway and kids with sparklers is a huge fire hazzard especially if you're paying attention and have a hose ready just in case.
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Besides the fire danger I am a Viet Nam vet and after my last tour I had PTSD and the fire works would really set me off so now I still go tp bed on the 4th with ear plugs in.
ReplyYes, to not ban fireworks when the conditions are so right for fires to burn and destroy homes from people who are just careless and inconsiderate warrants a ban. Allow profession fireworks, see the show, celebrate. Just humans being typically irresponsible specially when conditions are bad.
ReplyI'd rather my home didn't burn to the ground than light a couple sparklers.
ReplyI think we can do without a little pleasure for the sake of less fires and the public's health.
ReplyYes fireworks have always been a problem, causing fires and injuries, not to mention noise pollution for people who go to bed early. With the fire danger in our area, I think it is terribly irresponsible to allow any fireworks in any county!!! Ban them! Ban them ALL!
ReplyYes people these days have no common sense
ReplyI would support it, but it's pretty useless if police won't enforce it.
ReplyTimes are changing. People need to change with it.