Would you support a law requiring safe gun storage?
******I am a liberal Democrat woman of color. I have a gun to protect myself and a gun to exercise a right equal to voting. An intruder will not have his or her gun locked. Nor will I.
Reply ReplyTeach children at an early age about gun safety. If your gun is locked away it does you no good if you need it to protect your family.
Reply ReplyMy fire arms are secured by the locks on my home. That is all they will ever be secured by.
Reply ReplyWe don't need another gun law. Criminals won't wait for me to unlock my gun before they act. This is absolutely ridiculous.
Reply ReplyIf someone breaks into my house with me living out in the country what will I say "time out, let me go to my safe and get my firearm". This is CRAZY. People who have no gun experience making rules.
Reply ReplyToo many unenforceable laws on the books already. Leave our 2nd amendment alone. Commie bastards.
Reply ReplyIf you're a responsible gun owner, your guns should be kept in a safe place where no one has random access to them. Pretty common knowledge. Has no one ever taken hunter safety course?
Reply ReplyLibs/Dems often tell me "whats the point of having a gun if you lock it up, youll never get your gun out in time if your home is invaded" Thanks for pointing out 'storage laws' would cause more harm.
Reply ReplyNot until the powers that be can write a gun storage law that is reasonable, logical, enforceable, and proven to be effective!
Reply ReplyBecause it's not rediculasly over reaching. The Communist bastards are still not addressing the real problem, MENTAL ISSUES AND ILLNESSES. It isn't the fault of the lawabiding citizens.
Reply ReplyIf there is a gun in the house everyone should be taught gun safety. Locking them up prevents using it if someone breaks in with intent to harm.
Reply ReplyIf someone breaks into my house, I'm going to need it right then and there. I'm not going through the time to unlock my gun to protect myself and family.
Reply Replythis is another foolish law promoted by he democratic party to bug gun owners hell no they can put their foolish laws where the sun aint shining
Reply ReplyThere's no way to enforce such a ridiculous law. A locked up gun is a useless gun. I pray that no one ever has to find that out the hard way.
Reply ReplyHow are they going to enforce it? Walk into every single house in Oregon to check that guns are secured? NOT MY HOUSE!
Reply Reply
I already keep them locked up, except for the one I carry. It makes sense
ReplySo less ppl die
Replybecause, duh.
ReplyI would totally agree. Anything to keep guns safe from kids of ANY age. Whether it be in a store or home, it just makes sense in this scary day and age.
ReplySafe storage is important