Would you support a larger federal stimulus check?
Yes, $600 is too small
No, $2,000 is too large
No, more "free" government money is not the answer!
No, more "free" government money is not the answer!
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Robert Northrup
I think we should give everyone $10,000. I am 78 I won't need to pay it back. lol. Most of the money borrowed is going to foreign countries. Young people that vote democrat have no idea that they are destroying their future.
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Richard Dillard
No! what I would support is having businesses who are forced to close submit last years P&L to the government and get that money, they could pay their employee's who could pay their bills. Of course there is more to it but I do not have room to go in to it.
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$ 600.00 is a joke, but even $2,000 is not the answer, the correct answer is to open up this country, restaurants and all and let Americans take care of themselves, handouts are not the answer! Hurting the economy with shutdowns is absurd and increasing the national deficit is certainly NOT right!
Reply$2,000 could potentially mean the difference from being homeless or not., but $600 will Not pay anyones rent or house payment.
ReplyU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING OFF BALANCE IN THE WORLD?? .....Search COVID-19 stimulus payments in other world countries......After seeing their benefits ask yourself if that bag of peanuts we're being tossed is a fair allowance!.....You'll think NOT, 4 SURE!
Reply$4,000.00 for every one that makes under 40,000.00. Give it to people that actually need it! I think these billionaires need to be capped and the rest given back.
ReplyThese corrupt career politicians need to think about the American people first. Why send billions of dollars overseas when it’s a stimulus to help the the American people?if you call it a covid relief bill for the American people and say it’s to help us but send money overseas it’sgoing back to them
ReplyThe people that need it are hurting badly and $600 is a slap in the face. $2000 comes closer to covering anything significant.
Reply$2,000 might actually make a difference in people's lives; $600 doesn't cut it at all.
ReplyToo many needs.
Reply$600.00 is a joke
ReplyFor those that truly need it. Not for people that are still able to work and earn a living. And absolutely NOT for illegal immigrants EVER!!
ReplyBecause even though the 600$ stimulus was approved I feel that the other amount would be easier and better cause for the businesses, and the American people.