Would you shop at a store with workers on strike?
Yes, I would.
No, I wouldn't!
It is important to support these workers that are trying to make a better living. I would NEVER cross a picket line and I hope no one else will do that as well. Fred Meyer can afford a major remodel so of course, they can afford to give their workers better wages and benefits.
Reply ReplyI would never cross a picket line. I support workers trying to improve their working conditions. They need our support to help influence management
Reply ReplyGrocery workers have really been essential to our Oregon communities. This has been an incredibly tough and dangerous time to be face to face with the public day in and day out through this pandemic. I value the work and risks taken by all grocery workers. They should be compensated for these risks.
Reply ReplyAs someone overworked and under paid most of my life I support those that I can.
Reply Reply
Yes I will. It is unfortunate that the workers at Fred Meyer are in this position. I unfortunately was in a Union for 22 years. Unions don't pull the bottom up, they pull the top down. The Unions and their Officers are corrupt. I will shop there "especially" if they are on strike.
ReplySorry if the workers vote to go on strike but no matter what they do we all still need to purchase food in order to eat.
ReplyUnions support the weak and lazy. Exceptional people rise to the top and don't need unions.