Would you pay more at restaurants if the cash paid for road work?
Yes, great idea
No, hurts business
Very bad idea. One more stupid attempt to take in more money to be spent foolishly
Reply ReplyNo. Once again, always trying to find a way to hurt business and increase an already expensive cost of living. Give us a break!
Reply ReplyCities need to budget their funds. That's it , stop under building roads. Reed Market is a prime example. Now they are trying to figure out how to extort more money to expand an under built roadway.
Reply Replyhas nothing to do with restaurants. Tax taxis, Uber, Lyft etc; redirect $ from city's travel marketing & park/reck(which gets lots of $); tax or eliminate studded tires
Reply ReplyWe pay enough in taxes that bullshit how you guys are always trying to tax for something that tax payer pay. I would say hell no you do that your more likely to go out of business.
Reply ReplyAdding sales tax to prepared food purchases will hurt businesses & families. Once a sales tax is added, it will always exist and will always increase.There are other ways to fund road work.
Reply ReplyNo, but we may need toll roads or something. Some folk don't use the roads very much, some are on them constantly. They never stay home.
Reply ReplyTake some funds from Park and Rec. is a better approach to fund additional road improvements.
Reply ReplyWe already pay taxes for roads. Budget the money and spend wisely. With the increased population comes an increase in tax dollars collected.
Reply ReplyThe city and county get plenty of money from us taxpayers, they need to make better choices and fix roads with the taxes they get, and fix the traffic issues we have before allowing more building.
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