Would you like to see traffic cameras in Central Oregon?
Yes, we need cameras!
No, we don't need any.
Dieter Heinzer
Error? Many states are successfully using cameras to collect tools for their highways and it's a well-established system. As for "invasive" ... Dude, you're on a PUBLIC road!!!!!!
Lol, they aren't in your bedroom. There is absolutely nothing invasive about it. You just don't want to get caught.
I've never seen so many people running red lights as there is is in Redmond and Bend. Enough money could be made to probably run the police or city budget.
ReplyIf "we the people" establish laws (that includes setting speed limits) than "we the people" should enforce ALL of the laws. Traffic cams are cheap and easy and if you put one every quarter-mile on the Bend Parkway, Bend could earn enough to totally abolish property taxes... ;-)
ReplyWe could fund a new homeless shelter every week if we put speed cameras on the parkway.
ReplyThe red light runners and school zone speeders could make the city alot of money if we had the officers to cover
ReplyWe already have them. I watch them all the time on the ODOT website. We need to keep them.
ReplyLove the idea! Too many folks running red lights and endangering the lives of others. Plus, a nice boost to the budget!
ReplyCan't depend on people acting responsible. Make some money from the violators. Attach their tax returns.
ReplyAlot of people are running red lights