Will you wear a mask once again while out shopping?
Yes, of course
No! Not me
Mask have not proven effective at stoping covid. They cause headaches, acne, breathing issues and other issues. I am tired of small businesses being shut down while places like Walmart and Amazon have profited from the pandemic. I am tired of being lied to. No more mandates or mask or closures!
Reply ReplyMasks are garbage against a virus. Cross contamination is not a conspiracy theory.
Reply Reply
This is new. I'd love to follow up on it. Do u have a specific source I should start with?
We have known since last year children are of effectively zero risk. They are also not effective at spreading the virus. Plenty of examples of schools without masks not increasing general rates of community spread. None are providing statistics/scientific studies supporting mask demands for kids.
Reply ReplyI am vaccinated and will not do it voluntary unless going into a medical facility.
Reply ReplyI’m not even going to explain my opinion to be bashed by the vaccinated! Totally against masks, that’s all!
Reply ReplyI did what I was supposed to do. Im fully vaccinated as is my immediate family.. I'm not going to try and protect other folks who refuse to have personal accountability. I am worried about the kids though. They have no alternative. They need to mask up for safety.
Reply ReplyThe real choice: Vaccinate or Die? If you are a Patriot/Revolutionary, you are vaccinated. If you're NOT, I believe that person's Health Insurance premiums should increase to $10,000 per month and disqualify the Individual from Subsidized Health Care. No more enabling "Stupid".
Reply ReplyIt is not necessary this is and should be for the unhealthy children have good immune systems and for the children that do not their parents know they will make their children mask.up
Reply ReplyI will shop online or somewhere where I can breath free. I got covid even while wearing a mask. They don't work.
Reply Replythere is NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that wearing a mask prevents infection or transmission of a virus! I WILL NOT COMPLY!
Reply Reply
I have never stopped wearing a mask in public buildings.
ReplyThough I am fully vaccinated, I still need to protect against a breakthrough infection from the Delta variant. In which case, I would not be sick, but would still be infectious and capable of infecting someone who is immunocompromised,--or unvaccinated. Let's fight the virus, not each other.
ReplyI will do as business owners request. Their house, their rules.
ReplyI've never stopped! There's too many not vaccinated!
ReplyI'm fully vaccinated with booster. BUT My immune system is compromised And I am over 63 yrs. Old. So a mask 😷🎭 is not a problem.
ReplyWe need to take care of each other and what I do affects us all!
ReplyIt's smart.
ReplyOnly when there are children present and cannot distance until the vaccines have been approved for children under 12. If parents do not wish to vaccinate their children I do hope they have taught them healthy habits and Universal precautions.
ReplyBecause it's the right thing to do for me, my family and the people of Central Oregon.
ReplyIt's a safety thing