Where were you when you first heard of the terrorist attacks on 9/11?
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I was a sophomore at culver high school and remember getting ready for school and grabbing my bags. I watched the first tower get hit and I sat there in shock. Then the second tower then at school they announced the pentagon getting hit and another plane going down. Such a sad day for America.
ReplyI was waking up in my layover hotel in Denver. As a flight Attendant for American Airlines, after turning on the TV that morning, I spent the next 4 days with other stranded crews, who became family to me during that nightmare. NEVER FORGET~
ReplyI was living in Tumalo. Got up and turned on the TV and saw that one of the Towers had been hit. A short while later the second tower was hit. I knew that wasn't an accident. The terrorists are still winning. If you have been through an airport and been terrorized by TSA you know what I mean.
ReplyI was on the GW Pky on my way to work on Capitol Hill, when I saw the smoke rising from the Pentagon. I had watched Katie Couric on Today when the 1st plane hit and thought, as she did, that it was an accident. After seeing the smoke at the Pentagon, I turned around and went home knowing it was bad.
ReplySitting in my physical therapist waiting room watching the tv. At first I thought I was watching a movie.
ReplyCame home on my lunch break
ReplyWe were on vacation in Boise, Idaho. The news caused us to panic and rush home to Arizona.
ReplyI was at home
ReplyDriving to work at the Hanford Site where I worked at that time
ReplyI was in a high rise building on the 11th floor in downtown Portland. It was an HQ office and they told me HQ also had offices in the Twin Towers buildings, so it hit them hard. The entire building was ordered to evacuated which we did. Pretty clear in my memory.
ReplyGetting ready for work, I was a college Instructor at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon. Turned on tv and saw first building on fire. took a minute to realize the tragic event that was unfolding. Sad.
ReplyI was home
ReplyGetting ready for work, watching the Today show. Pretty solemn day at work. When I first saw it, I thought it was some sightseer miscalculating their path. If only . . .
ReplyI was living in the Philippines. We were watching the news and saw the towers struck. We were horrified and alarmed, but watched the TV for the better part of the next 6 or 8 hours. As members of the US Embassy community, we were also concerned about potential attacks in Manila.
ReplyI was just getting ready for 3rd grade, my mom in the living room sobbing and told my brother and I we weren't allowed to go to school that day.
ReplySenior year, huddled in the only room with a tv.
ReplyBarney Fife won't post it He never posts the truth
ReplyWhy Barney Fife won't post the truth on any thing unless your a friend of his
ReplyI am a flight attendant for American Airlines, I have been flying for 30 years. I used to work flight #11 (BOS-LAX) for 2 years, 2-3 times a week just before 9/11, hits very close to home. RIP flight crews, they suffered before the world knew what was happening. Never forget...be kind to each other
ReplyWe were in the KOA campground in Whitefish MT on the first day of a planned vacation in Alberta and British Columbia in Canada. Since the border was immediately closed we spent the week camping in Montana.
ReplyWorking at Pdx forAmerican Airlines. Never Forget!
ReplyCamping on the coast!! A park employee told us about it!! We listened to some reports on the car radio.
ReplyLiving in Beaverton, getting ready for work. Watching the morning news when the report of the first tower being hit by a plane came on. Yelled to my wife what was happening... Then had to tell her that the country was under attack by an unknown enemy after I saw the video of the second plane hitting
ReplyIn middle school, my dad says 9/11 was scam bush was involved, and the bin laden raid didn't happen
ReplyI was at my computer and watched it unfold on FOX.