Should state senate republicans walk out?
I was an R for 38 yrs.They are now out of touch.Walking out solves nothing.Do your job.If not, get out.I don't know our constitution says the minority can simply boycott a bill they don't like .
Reply ReplyStay and prove your point or reach across the aisle and work together for Oregon.
Reply ReplyDemocrats have no intention of working with Republicans. They only need them to make a quorum to validate their vote.
I don't believe walking out is a very responsible way for our State Senators to act. Just because our US Senate is made up of totally irresponsible people doesn't mean our State senators need to copy
Reply ReplyI do not like cap and trade, however, the Repugnant Party did the walk out in Wisconsin, and all it does is show how irresponsible they are, and what power does to their wee little minds.
Reply Reply
The Govenor needs to listen to the People and stop making this state another California.
ReplyCap and trade is a hidden tax and will not accomplish reduced pollution.
Replydemocrats do not represent rural oregon
Replythis taxing insanity has got to stop!!!!!!!!!
ReplyIt's their job to resist.
ReplyThe lunatics are running the asylum in Salem. This is the only option Republicans have to stop this incredibly stupid bill that will have no effect on the climate and will financially ruin Oregon.
ReplyDims trying to pass a harmful law.
ReplyThey are doing what they can to speak for their constituents because Kate Brown doesn’t listen or (presumably) care.
ReplyGovernor, it's Government By The People For The People. Let the people of Oregon vote on your Cap & Trade.
ReplyA better question is, why are the Dems not allowing this vote to go to the people? This is NOT an emergency. Good for the Republicans for bringing this to everyone's attention!
ReplyShame on you people that voted this hag in.
ReplyMost definatley this should be our vote not that idiot browns say.
ReplyIts the right thing to do.
ReplyThis bill is an extreme assault on our rights. It will do not one damn thing to help the climate. It is nothing but another money grab that effects rural communities, the middle class.
ReplyThis taxing has got to stop
ReplyI believe Brown is destroying the Oregon Democrat Party. I also refuse to call them the Democratic Party.
ReplyI think they should walk out and keep walking until they find the nearest cliff and jump!