Should social media platforms ban hate groups/speech?
Yes, monitor speech!
No, we have rights!
A very arrogant person would think they have the right to decide what kind of speech is appropriate or acceptable. In some countries people go to prison for disagreeing with the status quo. Want that?
Reply ReplyWhat constitutes hate speech, and who decides? Just because I have a different point of view, doesn’t mean I’m being hateful.
Reply ReplyIf we could depend on the fairness of the social media provider, but we can’t. One side will always have more power depending on the provider‘s bias. If we can’t do it right, then zero censorship.
Reply ReplyI think this is an issue for social media platforms to decide what they want to allow. If users are opposed to the platforms speech policies, they will naturally gravitate away from the platform.
Reply ReplyNope, not only do we have freedom of speech. But I also find some of the "hate" speech stuff really funny.
Reply ReplyFace book is a private company. so they have the right to edit what is in their site. But I would rather put the speech out for people to see. then they can make up their own mind.
Reply Reply
yes some speech should be band. Anything that goes against the constitution and promotes violence should be band.
ReplyFree speech does not allow yelling "Fire" in a theater when there is no fire, so It's not an absolute right. As such, hate speech should be banned. No one benefits from hate speech, no matter rights!!
ReplyNo one is free to threaten others. Hate speech is a threat.
ReplyNo one should be able to promote hate! It’s about being a decent human being.
Replyyeah especially if it stops all the damn muslime and m.s. 13, posts and all the other hate American slogans ,.. and yes white supremists included but c'mon the other's are even worse.
ReplyEnough is enough - If Facebook can't control it then someone else should
ReplyBecause there is a rampant abundance of hate happening in this country recently. No need to encourage it.