Should places of worship be allowed to reopen?
No, too big to open
It is thoughtless that these people think it's ok to contaminate their fellow citiizens. Jesus gave you a brain; you can worship anywhere.
Reply ReplyWork is like going to Church. Some workers were not hired for brains but to fill position.
I would think that most churches exceed 50+ people. I think that when any other businesses that would have this amount of people is when churches should also open. Thankfully, we can worship anywhere,
Reply ReplyWars were started based on religion. This is a form of bio warfare yet money makes first responders and essential workers enter the most hazardous places. Enter at your own risk. 1st amendment
God gave you ears and a brain so you could listen to and understand the people with smarter brains than you. But maybe God gave these certain church people dumb brains. IDK.
Reply ReplyDepends how one lets dictators command them how they live their limited life on earth. Weakness is why not all run with the big dogs regardless of you believe politicized science or 1st amendment
If you can go to big box stores, you can go to church. They can control the number of people allowed in.
There are many ways to worship without being in the same building. My parents taught me that worship comes from the heart, not the building. Community is important and that is why we need to stay home
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Lots of people worshipping in Lowes, Home Depot, ect. we want to worship together in a church. To assume that we are not going to be careful is a mistake and Jesus did a lot in crowds, takes faith.
ReplyYou bet we have the right to worship!!!!!!
ReplyNever should have closed.
ReplyMost all business are opening so allowance should be made for churches. It's really up to the individual whether as to the seriousness they accept for health considerations of all. Lord knows, eh?
ReplyLike Church and Holy Communion, it fills the soul. Walmart, Target, Costco, McDonalds, Marijuana Shops are open so the pres overrides the public health & gov dictators. This is a new Flu & War starts
ReplyIf we can go to the big box stores, we can go to church. Just practice distancing and wear masks. Socialize at a distance.
ReplyThe first and most important freedoms in the Bill of Rights is the free exercise of religion. The founders understand that keeping this freedom was essential in keeping all others.
ReplyAmendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, .... or the right of the people to peaceably assemble
ReplyI’m sure they will follow safe guidelines
ReplyWe don't want to get the virus, but being responsible will allow us to do this right. We are adults, and should not be threatened by the government in this way.
ReplyIf people want to kill one another let them, Makes the world less crowded