Should Oregon property owners be allowed to raise rent by more then 10%?
I am a (very small time) landlord, since I rent an apartment in my basement. Rents have gone through the roof, and I don't think renters should be subjected to huge increases from year to year.
Reply ReplyInvestment greed has caused the problem. The increases have become ridiculous. Some landlords raise rents every six months. They seem to think that Central Oregon should pay California prices. People move away from the nightmare they create but never learn a lesson.
Reply ReplyBeing a landlord should be a side hustle, not your main income. Then you could charge fairly, not rip people off to get rich.
Reply ReplyI'm on limited income. Rent is as high as I can go now. If it's raised more I will be homeless. We need to stop raising prices or there will be a major influx of homeless people. Trapped into homelessness with nowhere to turn.
Reply Reply
The state should not be able to say what they think you need to do to make ends meet as an owner.
ReplyState regulations and taxes are the problem. The people who can afford to build apartments are big money. Reduce zoning regulations, property taxes and get rid of Urban Growth Boundaries to expand land use and create competition. Then rents would go down. Government over reach is the problem period.