Should O. C. be allowed to move into Idaho with voters approval?
Yes, they should!
No, this is too far!
This is too much! They are part of Oregon, they shouldn't be allowed to decide or secede fro, the state.
This is too much! They are part of Oregon, they shouldn't be allowed to decide or secede fro, the state.
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Walter Francis Klondike
Don’t like it here ? MOVE to Idaho. What a bunch of self-entitled whiners.
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Richard Dillard
It is bad enough that we are being invaded by other states and now we want to take land from another state. What does Idaho have to say about it.
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We are sick to death of KB and her vicious crew.
ReplyI believe it is the right of citizens to choose whom represents them. If parts of Oregon feel better represented or closely aligned to Idaho why not let them be part of it?
ReplyOne way or another we need to remove Kate Brown and her ANTIFA friends from our cities.
ReplyOregons one sided politics are way to extreme, no middle ground. Oregon politicians do not represent most Oregonians.
ReplyCentral OR is always outvoted by the west side of the Cascades. 2 very different lifestyles and opinions and only lip service by politicians is given to Central OR problems.