Should events drawing large crowds be canceled over COVID-19?
Yes, for safety
No, that's too much
If people are concerned over COVID-19, they can choose to stay home from or avoid an event. The entire event should not be canceled over a virus that's killed less people than t...
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If people are concerned over COVID-19, they can choose to stay home from or avoid an event. The entire event should not be canceled over a virus that's killed less people than the flu this year.
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Da Vinci Cov
Trump overrides all even dictators with their politicized science myth. Public health officials rubber stamp but don't go on field. All cases & TRO will be overturned. 1st amendment. abuse of power
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Cynthia Wolfe
People need to be smart...do NOT touch your face after you have been in public...use hand washing/or hand sanitizer when you cannot wash...people need to stay home if they are ill
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Jim Partridge
The sky is not falling people. If you want to stay home, fine. But don't impose your irrational fears on the rest of us.
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Austin Wills
How do you feel about this question a month later? The U.S is leading the world in the total number of infections/mortality rate and you have the nerve to say this. Educate yourself.
Virus needs new hosts. Don't give the virus that opportunity.
ReplyBetter safe then sorry
ReplySafety first!
ReplyI think we have a responsibility to the immunocompromised and elderly around us to do what we can to prevent the spread.
ReplyPublic safety is essential
ReplyYes, should close the border too.
Replyfor good health and to protect the vulnerable, better safe than sorry.
ReplyOnly because when there are big events people neglect to keep up their hygiene, washing hands and are in close proximity to one another causing it to spread more quickly.
ReplySounds like common sense right????