Should cities get involved in gun regulations?
Giving gun stores more access to personal and medical info on a potential buyer is long overdue and an excellent way to address the issue. Trampling on gun owner second amendment rights so others can feel safe is just unconstitutional.
Reply ReplyLaw abiding citizens are protecting their families with their guns. I wouldn't shop anywhere I wasn't allowed to carry. For the exact reason of the Safeway shooting. I can't even imagine getting stuck in a store with a shooter and my kids without protection.
Reply ReplyOur system is OK the way it is. Criminals don't use legally purchased guns that can be traced. So tighter regulation is not going to stop the problem.
Reply ReplyThey need to focus on local issues, not issues that are already being debated at the state level. They also shouldn't be endorcing measures that are unconstitutional such as 114. The Supreme Court has already ruled that most everything the City is in favor of will not pass constitutional scrutiny.
Reply ReplyThe CONSTITUTION clearly states people have the right to keep and bear arms that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. What new law is a criminal going to all of a sudden decide to follow. Its already illegal to kill people yet people still do it. The heaviest gun controlled cities have the worst gun crime rates
Reply ReplyThey say it will be unlawful to carry a loaded gun in public. Does this mean the person with a concealed carry primit have to unload their gun when they leave the house to go out.
Reply ReplyLeave it to Feds/states. Rules we have don't stop criminals and people with other issues. If cities want to do something take a look at mental health issues in their areas.
Reply ReplyRegulating the law biding citizen from owning or purchasing guns and making the law biding citizen register their weapons will do nothing but regulate law biding citizens. Making the law biding citizen apply for a permit is unconstitutional. The 2nd amendment is my permit. Regulate lawless criminals
Reply ReplyWe already have back ground checks, you have to show photo ID, and be fingerprinted, along with being a resident of this state. It's not a gun problem, it's a people problem. Enforce the laws that we already have, and hold people accountable.
Reply ReplyThe federal government is chipping away at our rights, we don't need cities to try to also, Gun control will not help, criminals or people who want to do harm do not follow laws. Make them accountable, enforce drug laws. fund and respect the police, let them do their jab!
Reply ReplyNO! Gun laws do nothing to help, in fact they create problems. New York's gun free zones are crazy wrong! How can anyone think that a criminal or a mentally ill 20 year old will abide by any law?? Kids that dont know God or a disciplining Father is the problem. Dem D A,s are another problem!
Reply ReplyFunny how the other states with permit-to-purchase laws have much worse crime than Oregon. But yeah, let's do that...pfff!
Reply ReplyGuns aren't the problem. Video games are the problem band video games not guns
Reply Reply
Because there needs to be control on guns and gun sales. Why does KESQ advertise guns of distinction on their evening news, I guess the station owner is fine with 146 murders this year already. This tacky disturbing ad should be removed. Horrible message to allow.
ReplyThey should be able to for the pro-gun aspect of it all. Some cities like Prineville or smaller country towns are better at teaching and raising their kids with using the guns right and what they are intended for safely, other cities where they have more shootings should be ban guns to a degree
ReplyAt the rate people are being gunned down, any municipality should be able to take protective steps. It isn't about feeling safe, it's about being more safe.