Should Bend have tougher regulations to protect urban trees?
Phil Spreier
Bend is a densely forested area. You can’t build much larger than a shed without clearing tree. Why should the City be able to tell me what I can do with the trees on my property? Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Bend.
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You should definitely move to an area where there's more simple-minded folks like yourself to hang with.
We are losing too many large trees in Bend. Among other things, they are a carbon sink. We can't afford to lose them.
ReplyJust look at the RV park clear cut along Murphy Road and the Parkway overpass! Massive, stripping the land of mature Ponderosa Pines - totally not good! Wasn't Bend once proclaimed a "Tree City USA" resource? NOT.
ReplyThe "New Bend" is in the pocket of the big developers, which includes allowing them to clear-cut huge areas of land while Bend pretends to be a "tree city". Look at the older developments, and you'll see how trees used to be saved. Builders need to work around the trees instead of destroying them.
ReplyFor starters I like trees more than houses. And developers have gotten away with murder just clearing whole lots of every little bit of vegetation. Bend is losing a lot of charm and it gets worse every day.
ReplyBend let the car wash on Reed Lane remove a beautiful tree! For a car wash! With no need! That area is empty and has little landscaping.
ReplyThe government shouldn't control us