How do you feel about students planning a private prom during the pandemic?
The event should be held.
This shouldn't be allowed!
It would be a different story if it was a prom event that was limited and masks were required. Then it would be a safer event. I understand that prom is a major event but so is graduation and we have already lost too many individuals that are no longer alive to experience it.
Reply Replyit is a limited event, and masks required, you cannot see that because that is on the flyer that is cut out at the bottom!!
The guide lines are for a purpose. Central Oregon is close to being under locked down again because of people think theier pleasures are more important than other people's heath or even their lives. I heard them say they would wear mask and social distance. Who do you think they are kidding.
Reply ReplyThey need to be in school longer...attire is spelled with two, "t's." Their invitation spells it, "atire." Good grief. These are seniors. To have a large gathering is irresponsible. There are 99 new infections in Deschutes County *today.* St. Charles Hospital has 4 ppl on respirators.
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Highschool kids need to at least have something to feel normal, we have been stripped of half the school year and all events last summer. Just one thing. Just one thing is all we want. One night where we can feel normal and have a highschool experience. Just one at least
ReplyLet student live there lives
Replyif football players can hug each other on the ground without a mask and dog pile each other, and contact sports are allowed, our senior kids deserve this. make thsi happen
ReplyTeens need to be allowed to live thier life's, we have shut down and taken away so many valuable high school expirences, we need to allow are children to have memories with friends and High School experiences that are a huge part of growing up! Support Prom 100% will be there to help anyway I
ReplyIf they need a little sponsorship I will donate
ReplySeniors were deprived of a graduation last year which I think was foolish. We have gatherings that result in high case counts. So what? Every time you get in an automobile you risk the chance of death or being maimed for life. We still do it don't we?
ReplyIts one of the rights of passage for high school. We need to get our kids back to normal