How did you (or will you) get your household pets?
I think I'll go through a breeder so I know exactly what I'm dealing with when I get a dog. That way I'll know it's history and have it from a very young age.
I think I'll go through a breeder so I know exactly what I'm dealing with when I get a dog. That way I'll know it's history and have it from a very young age.
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Ken Callison
I’ve done both. Had good dogs both ways. I have purebreds now, but I did look at adopting first.
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Patricia Brady-McKinney
3 of our 4 dogs are adopted, but my youngest is from a breeder. I wanted a specific breed, with a good prey drive for rodents and got one from Texas. I waited a long time to find just the right dog.
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We rescued our dog from the Madras Humane Society. Best dog ever.
ReplyWe rescued both of our dogs. Our boy was found in Southern Oregon in the middle of a busy highway in a box with his brother as puppies. Our girl was being fostered after being rescued from a bad home.
ReplyMy dog was adopted from Central Oregon Humane Society in 2005. I'll always adopt.
ReplyI always prefer to save a life by adopting from a shelter. Please don't breed or buy while shelter pets die.
ReplyI think we need to adopt our own animals here in USA. Cant believe there are well meaning individuals bringing in more unwanted animals into USA from out of country though!!!
ReplyPLEASE spay and neuter your pets.
ReplySo many animals need homes ,ridiculous to breed more!
ReplyI've got 1 of each. The oldest is the pedigree, so I will likely replace her with another just like her. My youngest is from a SoCal kill shelter and is a llasa apso/poodle mix. Both are so precious!
Reply3-4 million dogs & cats in the U.S. are euthanized each year because there aren't enough homes. I have and always will adopt. My 3 dogs are all rescues and they are the best!
ReplyHave always adopted for the last 35+ years and have always been more than satisfied with the results. Always Chows which have a bad reputation and never was disappointed after initial intro and train