Has the price of tickets changed your concert plans this year?

This has nothing to do with President Biden. You are an embarrassment to your religion and need to change your name and take down your picture.
Ticket sales should be managed locally instead of selling them through those online companies. And RESALES should be ILLEGAL!! It's ridiculous to pay $450 for a ticket in Bend and $75 in Seattle to see the same band!!
ReplyDisneyland opened in 1955 with the mission statement of being a family friendly affordable venue. Les Schwab Amphitheater opened in 2002 with the same mission statement. Hayden Homes Amphitheater has chosen a different $$$$$$$ path now unfair to local residents.
ReplyYou can't afford to go to concerts anymore, ticket prices are out of control. Companies are just too greedy.
Replyseriously has nothing to do with our President. Very stupid answer. I couldn't believe a ticket in the absolute worst seats $650 at the Q in Yuma Az. I'll just happily wait UNTIL their comedy specials on streaming clean restrooms, no lines for drinks and no traffic with the parking see ya on tv
ReplyI won't pay the high prices. It won't change unless people stop paying those high prices. As long as there is someone that will it won't change.
ReplyI have been to many concerts at this venue, but no more! The price for tickets has increased exponentially, and the service fees PER TICKET are just crazy - $62 per ticket for Chris Stapleton. It would have cost us almost $900 for the two of us to attend. Shame on you Live Nation!
ReplyNo longer attend live performances, as my MP3 has great sound that I can enjoy from home. Outrageous pricing and fees!! Too bad - gouging the community just like MB. ..
ReplyThe thrill is gone at HH ampitheater. Too pricey for what the venue is. Oh, now you can't bring your own chair, you must rent one from them. I'll go elsewhere if I have to spend that much.