Has the latest Omicron COVID-19 surge hit your family harder than previous variants?
I had Delta in early November and Omicron seems more like a normal cold for those I know who have had it,
Reply ReplyBecause the last 2 years have been a joke. Other than over-reaching government, unnecessary mandates and irresponsible media I would not have known any difference between Covid and the flu season. The numbers have been exaggerated since the beginning.
Reply ReplyMy mom is 84 she got it , I did not, but just basic cold symptoms is all, no big deal. Wake up people look at the #'s Oregon 9,600 cases and 35 deaths, most if not all for the Delta variant. Omicron spread s easily but is so mild! So tired of the fear mongers! I live by faith not by fear!!!
Reply ReplyNo but I just had a thought. If you could give covid to some you wanted to kill, you would not have to worry about, being convicted of shooting them. They would say they died from covid!
Reply Reply
Someone in my extended family got sick.
ReplyWe have been fortunate enough to have had a COVID free household until this variant. It spreads too quickly. My 9 yr old daughter got it from school though I never recieved noticed of contact with a confirmed case though it was confirmed. Now my whole family is getting it a couple days apart.
ReplyTwo adults, two children. All unvacinated.