Do you want daylight saving time to be permanent?
Yes, I want it to be permanent!
No, I don't want it to be permanent!
There are no more hours per day in “daylight saving time” in a 24 hour day then there are in Standard Time. Why are we changing the time to permanent DST. Why not permanent Standard Time like we had for many years. The kids would not have to go to school during quite as many dark hours. Think about
Reply ReplyAn old native American was asked what he thouight about the new daylight saving. He replied,"only the federal government would cut six inches off of the top of a blanket sew it on to the bottom and think he has a larger blanket".
We already tried it; people hated it so much it was quickly reversed. Most of the people wanting to do this weren't alive when that failure of a policy was tried.
Reply ReplyI want STANDARD time to be permanent! We started at standard time, why not go back to where we started? Why change it to Daylight savings time? I think it is creepy for it to be daylight at 9 PM!
Reply ReplyMother Nature provides longer daylight during the summer months. We should keep it at standard time forever.
Reply Reply
Longer sunny days
ReplyPLEASE! More daylight hours all year is a positive for everyone. School kids waiting in the dark for busses isn't as much of an issue anymore since schools finally came to their senses and quit starting school at 7:15/7:30. Starting later makes more sense for kids and negates any negative of DST!!!!
ReplyThe time change is outdated.
ReplyWhy not. It lets your inner clock stay in sync.
ReplyIt's a real pain to keep switching back and forth. I have at least 10 clocks that have to be changed by hand. And, the original purpose back in WWI has long since become obsolete.
ReplyPick one and leave it alone.
ReplyMore sleep would be nice although it would be bad for the economy to change it